- March 2025: Paper titled "Performance Optimization of 2-PolSK in UV Scattering Communication Channels" accepted in the IEEE Communications Letters.
- March 2025: Paper titled "In-Band Coexistence of New Radio with Fixed Satellite Services in C-Band" accepted for publication in the proceedings of IEEE ICC Workshop 2025.
- February 2025: Paper titled "A Novel Hedonic Coalition Formation Game for Spectrum Shared Communication in CBRS Band" accepted for publication in the proceedings of IEEE DySPAN 2025.
- January 2025: Prof. Swades De has been elected a fellow of Indian Academy Sciences (IASc)
- December 2024: Prof. Swades De receives IEEE India Council "Technologist of the Year" award.
- December 2024: Prof. Swades De is selected by the IEEE Communications Society to serve as a Distinguished Lecturer for the term 2025-2026.
- December 2024: Paper titled "Leveraging LSTM and reinforcement learning for adaptive sensing in CIoT nodes," is accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics.
- November 2024: Srishti Sharma and Swades De receives Best Poster Award in Communication Technologies on IIT Delhi Open House Day 2024 for their research on "Impact of Polarization on Distributed Optical Beamforming".
- November 2024: The work titled "Multivariate data compression system and method thereof" is granted US patent.
- October 2024: Paper titled "Distributed energy bank optimization towards outage aware sustainable cellular networks," is accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing.
- August 2024: Prof. Swades De is selected by the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society to continue to serve as a Distinguished Lecturer for the term 2024-2026.
- August 2024: Paper titled "Characterization of Qualified Grid Nodes for the Identification of Power Network Oscillations" accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
- August 2024: Paper titled "Grid controllability aware optimal placement of PMUs with limited input current channels" accepted in the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
- August 2024: The work titled "A System for Optimizing Energy Transmission and A Method Thereof" has been granted Indian patent.
- July 2024: Paper titled "Concatenated Vertical Channel Modeling and Performance Analysis for HAP-based Optical Networks," accepted in the IEEE Photonics Journal.
- July 2024: The IITD CNRG Team (Urbi Basu, Akash Mandal, Prof. Swades De, and Prof. Krishna Sirohi) has been awarded the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (QIF) India 2024 for their proposal on "CoGeNt: Cooperative Generative Networks for Enhanced Channel Estimation in Adaptive SAGIN."
Welcome to the homepage of Communication Network Research Group at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD-CNRG).
The group is engaged in academic research as well as sponsored research and technology development on advanced wireless communication systems, with emphasis on new/emerging technologies.
The group's current research directions include:
IoT Communications Smart Grid Networks Spectrum Sharing and In-Band Coexistence Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) aided communications Optical Wireless Systems
The group has hands-on experience on the following tools: probabilistic and stochastic analysis, performance modeling of systems, Markov analysis, queuing theory, optimization theory, machine learning, Bayesian learning, and compressed sensing.
For experimental research, the research lab is equipped with state-of-the-art test and measurement equipment along with computation facilities and communication networks related various software. Besides, open `Beyond 5G' R&D and end-to-end test facility at Bharti School of Telecommunication is also used for translation of some of his research.