Communication Networks Research Group

Department of Electrical Engineering and Bharti School of Telecommunication Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India

  • S. Sharma and S. De, "Performance optimization of 2-PolSK in UV scattering communication channels," IEEE Commun. Lett., (accepted, Mar. 2025).[pdf]

  • S. Ghosh, S. Layeghy, S. De, S. Chatterjee, and M. Portmann, "Leveraging LSTM and reinforcement learning for adaptive sensing in CIoT nodes," IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron., (accepted, Dec. 2024).[pdf]

  • J.-B. Seo, Y. Hu, H. Jin, and S. De, "ALOHA with SIC-Aided Collision Resolution," IEEE Internet of Things J., (accepted, Nov. 2024). [pdf]

  • A. Balakrishnan, S. De, and L.-C. Wang, "Distributed energy bank optimization towards outage aware sustainable cellular networks," IEEE Trans. Sustain. Comput., (accepted, Oct. 2024).[pdf][video]

  • A. Goel, N. Varshney, and S. De, "Efficient charging and data collection in UAV-aided backscatter sensor networks," IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw., (accepted, Jul. 2024).[pdf]

  • A. Balakrishnan, S. De, and L.-C. Wang, "CASE: A joint traffic and energy optimization framework toward grid connected green future networks," IEEE Trans. Netw. Service Manag., (accepted, Jan. 2024).[pdf]

  • A. K. Mandal and S. De, "Characterization of qualified grid nodes for the identification of power network oscillations," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 981-993, Jan./Feb. 2025.[pdf]

  • A. Gaur, A. Balakrishnan, S. Srirangarajan, S. De, P.-H. Tseng, and K.-T. Feng, "Optimal time partitioning in V2V integrated sensing and communication systems," IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 3390-3394, Dec. 2024.[pdf][slides][video]

  • J. Rani, D. Mishra, G. Prasad, A. Hossain, S. De, and K. Deka, "Joint optimization of IRS location and passive beamforming for enhanced received power," IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw., vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1970-1984, Dec. 2024.[pdf]

  • A. K. Mandal, S. De, and B. K. Panigrahi, "Grid controllability aware optimal placement of PMUs with limited input current channels," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 8532-8547, Nov./Dec. 2024.[pdf]

  • N. Tiwari, S. De, and S. Dharmaraja, "Concatenated vertical channel modeling and performance analysis for HAP-based optical networks," IEEE Photonics J., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 1-14, Oct. 2024.[pdf]

  • A. K. Mandal and S. De, "Joint optimal PMU placement and data pruning for resource efficient smart grid monitoring," IEEE Trans. Power Sys., vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 5382-5392, May 2024.[pdf]

  • Z. Cao, H. Jin, S. De, and J.-B. Seo, "How much benefit can multipacket reception channel bring to CSMA?," IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 119409-119426, Nov. 2023.[pdf]

  • S. Dhaka, Y.-J. Chen, S. De, and L.-C. Wang, "A lightweight stochastic blockchain for IoT data integrity in wireless channels," IEEE Open J. Veh. Technol., vol. 4, pp. 765-781, Oct. 2023.[pdf]

  • A. K. Mandal and S. De, "A novel learning-based estimation scheme for communication over impulsive noise channels," IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1154-1158, Jul. 2023.[pdf]

  • S. Ghosh, A. K. Mandal, S. De, S. Chatterjee, and M. Portmann, "Light-weight ML aided autonomous IoT networks," IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 51-57, Jun. 2023.[pdf]

  • N. Varshney and S. De, "AoA-based low complexity beamforming for aerial RIS assisted communications at mmWaves," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1545-1549, Jun. 2023.[pdf]

  • J.-B. Seo, S. De, and H. Jin, "Real-time transmission control for multichannel NOMA random access systems," IEEE Internet of Things J., vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 8984-8995, May 2023. [pdf]

  • S. Sharma and S. De, "Impact of polarization on distributed optical beamforming," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 1180-1184, Apr. 2023.[pdf]

  • A. K. Mandal, A. Malkhandi, S. De, N. Senroy, and S. Mishra, "A Multi-path Model for Disturbance Propagation in Electrical Power Networks," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs, vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 1460--1464, Apr. 2023.[pdf]

  • N. Varshney and S. De, "Design optimization for UAV aided sustainable 3D wireless communication at mmWaves," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 3274--3287, Mar. 2023.[pdf]

  • A. K. Mandal and S. De, "Analysis of wireless communication over electromagnetic impulse noise channel," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 1187-1200, Feb. 2023.[pdf]

  • A. Balakrishnan, S. De, and L.-C Wang, "Networked Energy Cooperation in Dual Powered Green Cellular Networks," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 70, no. 10, pp. 6977-6991, Oct. 2022.[pdf]

  • S. Ghosh, P. Das, S. De, S. Chatterjee, and M. Portmann, "Local reference free in-field calibration of low cost air pollution monitoring sensors," IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 71, pp. 1-13, Sep. 2022.[pdf]

  • M. Roy Chowdhury and S. De, "Queue aware access prioritization for massive machine-type communication," IEEE IoT J., vol. 9, no. 17, pp. 15858-15873, Sep. 2022. [pdf]

  • A. Thakur and S. De, "On deploying secondary networks in co-channel bands with DTV networks," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 7791-7804, Jul. 2022.[pdf]

  • S. Sachdev and S. De, "Energy Efficient Receiver-End Distributed Beamforming Using Orthogonal Transmissions," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 1648-1652, Jul. 2022.[pdf]

  • P. Das, S. Ghosh, S. Chatterjee, and S. De, "A low cost outdoor air pollution monitoring device with power controlled built-in PM sensor," IEEE Sensors J., vol. 22, no. 13, pp. 13682-13695, Jul. 2022.[pdf]

  • S. Chatterjee and S. De, "QoE-aware cross-layer adaptation for D2D video communication in cooperative cognitive radio networks," IEEE Systems J., vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 2078-2089, Jun. 2022. [pdf]

  • N. Varshney and S. De, "Multi-RF beamforming based cellular communication over wideband mmWaves," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 70, no. 4, pp. 2772-2787, Apr. 2022. [pdf]

  • S. Suman, S. De, R. K. Mallik, M. Elkashlan, and A. Nallanathan, "Beamforming based mitigation of hovering inaccuracy in UAV-aided RFET," IEEE Trans. Commun., ol. 70, no. 4, pp. 2691-2706, Apr. 2022. [pdf]

  • N. Varshney and S. De, "RF beamforming and subcarrier allocation using beam squint in mmWave systems," IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett., vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 678-682, Apr. 2022. [pdf]

  • S. Ghosh, S. De, S. Chatterjee, and M. Portmann, "Edge intelligence framework for data-driven dynamic priority sensing and transmission," IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw., S.I. Edge Intelligence for Sustainable Smart Environments, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 376-390, Mar. 2022. [pdf]

  • V. Gupta and S. De, "Energy-efficient temporal sensing: An age of sample based approach," IEEE IoT J., vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1806-1817, Feb. 2022. [pdf]

  • A. Balakrishnan, S. De, and L.-C. Wang, "Network operator revenue maximization in dual-powered green cellular networks," IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 1791-1805, Dec. 2021. [pdf]

  • M. Roy Chowdhury and S. De, "Delay-aware priority access classification for massive machinetype communication," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 13238-13254, Dec. 2021. [pdf]

  • V. Gupta and S. De, "Energy-efficient edge computing framework for decentralized sensing in WSN-assisted IoT," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 4811-4827, Aug. 2021. [pdf]

  • S. Ghosh, S. De, S. Chatterjee, and M. Portmann, "Learning-based adaptive sensor selection framework for multi-sensing WSN," IEEE Sensors J., vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 13551-13563, Jun. 2021. [pdf]

  • S. Kumar, S. Suman, and S. De, "Dynamic resource allocation in UAV-enabled mmWave communication networks," IEEE Internet of Things J., vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 9920-9933, Jun. 2021. [pdf]

  • M. Roy Chowdhury, S. Tripathi, and S. De, "Adaptive multivariate data compression in smart metering Internet of Things," IEEE Trans. Ind. Informat., vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 1287-1297, Feb. 2021. [pdf]

  • S. Suman and S. De, "Optimal UAV-aided RFET system design in presence of hovering inaccuracy," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 558-572, Jan. 2021. [pdf]

  • N. Varshney and S. De, "Optimum downlink beamwidth estimation in mmWave communications," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 544-557, Jan. 2021. [pdf]

  • V. Gupta and S. De, "Collaborative multi-sensing in energy harvesting wireless sensor networks," IEEE Trans. Signal Inf. Process. Netw., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 426-441, Dec. 2020. [pdf]

  • A. Thakur, S. De, and G.-M. Muntean, "Co-channel secondary deployment over DTV bands using reconfigurable radios," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 12202-12215, Oct. 2020. [pdf]

  • A. Kakarla, A. Qureshi, S. Thatikonda, S. De, and S. Jana, "RESILIENT: A robust statistical method for estimating multiple VOC sources from limited field measurements," Elsevier Heliyon, vol. 6, no. 10, pp. 1-8, Oct. 2020. [pdf]

  • S. Tripathi and S. De, "Channel-adaptive transmission protocols for smart grid IoT communication," IEEE Internet of Things J., vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 7823-7835, Aug. 2020. [pdf]

  • S. Suman and S. De, "Low Complexity Dimensioning of Sustainable Solar-enabled Systems: A Case of Base Station," IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 438-454, Jul. 2020.[pdf]

  • P. Mukherjee and S. De, "A system state aware switched-multichannel protocol for energy harvesting CRNs," IEEE Trans. Cognitive Commun. Netw., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 669-682, Jun. 2020.[pdf]

  • V. Gupta, S. Tripathi, and S. De, "Green Sensing and communication: A step towards sustainable IoT systems," (Invited article), J. Indian Inst. Sc., pp. 383-398, Apr. 2020. [pdf]

  • P. Mukherjee, D. Mishra, and S. De, "Gaussian Mixture based Context-aware Short-Term Characterization of Wireless Channel," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 26-40, Jan. 2020.[pdf]

  • S. Suman, S. Kumar, and S. De, "Impact of Hovering Inaccuracy on UAV-aided RFET," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 2362-2366, Dec. 2019.[pdf]

  • S. Suman, S. Kumar, and S. De, "UAV-assisted RFET: A novel framework for sustainable WSN," IEEE Trans. Green Commun. Netw., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1117-1131, Dec. 2019.[pdf]

  • P. Lohan, J.-B. Seo, and S. De, "Social welfare maximization in two-tier heterogeneous cellular networks," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 1826-1830, Oct. 2019.[pdf]

  • K. Kaushik, D. Mishra, and S. De, "Stochastic solar harvesting characterization for sustainable sensor node operation," IET Wireless Sensor Systems J., vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 208-217, Jul. 2019. [pdf]

  • P. Mandal and S. De, "On stability of S-Aloha with variable propagation delay," IET Commun. J., vol. 13, no. 12, pp 1813-1820, April 2019. [pdf]

  • C. Singhal and S. De, "UE-TV: User-centric energy-efficient HDTV broadcast over LTE and Wi-Fi," IEEE Trans. Mobile Comput., vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 1703-1717, Jul. 2019. [pdf]

  • P. Mukherjee and S. De, "Dynamic feedback based adaptive modulation for energy-efficient communication," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 946-949, May 2019. [pdf]

  • S. Tripathi and S. De, "Data-driven optimizations in IoT: A new frontier of challenges and opportunities," (Invited article), Springer CSI Trans. ICT, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 35-43, Mar. 2019. [pdf]

  • S. Agarwal, F. Malandrino, C.-F. Chiasserini, and S. De, "VNF placement and resource allocation for the support of vertical services in 5G networks," IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 433-446, Feb. 2019. [pdf]

  • R. Saini, D. Mishra, and S. De, "Subcarrier pairing as channel gain tailoring: Joint resource allocation for relay-assisted secure OFDMA with untrusted users," Elsevier Physical Commun., vol. 32, pp. 217-230, Jan. 2019. [pdf]

  • V. Gupta and S. De, "SBL-based adaptive sensing framework for WSN-assisted IoT applications," IEEE Internet of Things J., vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 4598-4612, Dec. 2018. [pdf]

  • S. Suman, S. Kumar, and S. De, "Path loss model for UAV-assisted RFET," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 2048-2051, Oct. 2018. [pdf]

  • P. Mukherjee and S. De, "cDIP: Channel-aware dynamic window protocol for energy-efficient IoT communications," IEEE Internet of Things J., vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 4474-4485, Dec. 2018. [pdf]

  • S. Tripathi and S. De, "An efficient data characterization and reduction scheme for smart metering infrastructure," IEEE Trans. Ind. Informat., vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 4300-4308, Oct. 2018. [pdf]

  • S. Agarwal and S. De, "Rural broadband access via clustered collaborative communication," IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 2160-2173, Oct. 2018. [pdf]

  • D. Mishra, G. C. Alexandropoulos, and S. De, "Energy sustainable IoT with individual QoS constraints through MISO SWIPT multicasting," IEEE Internet of Things J., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 2856-2867, Aug. 2018. [pdf]

  • S. Kumar, S. De, and D. Mishra, "RF energy transfer channel models for sustainable IoT," IEEE Internet of Things J., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 2817-2828, Aug. 2018. [pdf]

  • C. Singhal and S. De, "eM-SON: Efficient multimedia service over self-organizing Wi-Fi network," IET Netw. J., vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 181-189, Jul. 2018. [pdf]

  • S. Tripathi and S. De, "Dynamic prediction of powerline frequency for wide area monitoring and control," IEEE Trans. Ind. Informat., vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 2837-2846, Jul. 2018. [pdf]

  • C. Singhal, S. De, and U. P. Moravapalle, "Optimized mesh routing with intermediate recovery for error resilient delivery of MD coded image/video content," Elsevier Computer Commun., SI on Mobile Video in the 5G/IoT era, vol. 118, pp. 148-162, Mar. 2018. [pdf]

  • P. Mukherjee, D. Mishra, and S. De, "Exploiting temporal correlation in wireless channel for energy-efficient communication," IEEE Trans. Green Commun. and Netw., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 381-394, Dec. 2017. [pdf]

  • R. Saini, D. Mishra, and S. De, "Utility regions for DF relay in OFDMA-based secure communication with untrusted users," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 2512-2515, Nov. 2017. [pdf]

  • D. Mishra, S. De, and D. Krishnaswamy, "Dilemma at RF energy harvesting relay: Downlink energy relaying or uplink information transfer?," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 4939-4955, Aug. 2017. [pdf]

  • D. Mishra and S. De, "i2RES: Integrated information relay and energy supply assisted RF harvesting communication," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 1274-1288, Mar. 2017. [pdf]

  • C. Singhal and S. De, "Energy-efficient and QoE-aware TV broadcast in next-generation heterogeneous networks," IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 54, no. 12, pp. 142-150, Dec. 2016. [pdf]

  • A. Gupta, S. Agarwal, and S. De, "A new spectrum occupancy model for 802.11 WLAN traffic," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 2550-2553, Dec. 2016. [pdf]

  • S. Agarwal and S. De, "eDSA: Energy-efficient dynamic spectrum access protocols for cognitive radio networks," IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput., vol. 15, no. 12, pp. 3057-3071, Dec. 2016. [pdf]

  • S. Agarwal and S. De, "Cognitive multihoming system for energy and cost aware video transmission," IEEE Trans. Cognitive Commun. and Netw., vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 316-329, Sep. 2016. [pdf]

  • K. Kaushik, D. Mishra, S. De, K. R. Chowdhury, and W. Heinzelman, "Low-cost wake-up receiver for RF energy harvesting wireless sensor networks," IEEE Sensors J., vol. 16, no. 16, pp. 6270-6278, Aug. 2016. [pdf]

  • D. Mishra and S. De, "Optimal time allocation for RF-powered DF relay-assisted cooperative communication," IET Electron. Lett., vol. 52, no. 14, pp. 1274-1276, Jul. 2016. [pdf]

  • R. Saini, A. Jindal, and S. De, "Jammer-assisted resource allocation in secure OFDMA with untrusted users," IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Security, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 1055-1070, May 2016. [pdf]

  • S. Agarwal and S. De, "Dynamic spectrum access for energy-constrained CR: Single channel versus switched multichannel," IET Commun. J., vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 761-769, Apr. 2016. [pdf]

  • R. Saini, D. Mishra, and S. De, "OFDMA-based DF secure cooperative communication with untrusted users," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 716-719, Apr. 2016. [pdf]

  • D. Mishra and S. De, "Effects of practical rechargeability constraints on perpetual RF harvesting sensor network operation," IEEE Access J., vol. 4, pp. 750-765, Mar. 2016. [pdf]

  • D. Mishra, S. De, and C.-F. Chiasserini, "Joint optimization schemes for cooperative wireless information and power transfer over Rician channels," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 554-571, Feb. 2016. [pdf]

  • C. Singhal and S. De, "User-centric energy-efficient multimedia multicast/broadcast solutions: A survey," ICST Trans. Ubiquitous Environ., vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 1-21, July 2015. [pdf]

  • S. Agarwal and S. De, "Impact of channel switching in energy-constrained cognitive radio networks," IEEE Commun. Lett. vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 977-980, Jun. 2015. [pdf]

  • S. Agarwal, S. De, S. Kumar, and H. M. Gupta, "QoS-aware downlink cooperation for cell-edge and handoff users," IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technol., vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 2512-2527, Jun. 2015. [pdf]

  • D. Mishra and S. De, "Optimal relay placement in two-hop RF energy transfer," IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 1635-1647, May 2015. [pdf]

  • D. Mishra, S. De, S. Jana, S. Basagni, K. Chowdhury, and W. Heinzelman, "Smart RF energy harvesting communications: Challenges and opportunities," IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 70-78, Apr. 2015. [pdf]

  • P. Mandal and S. De, "New reservation multiaccess protocols for underwater wireless ad hoc sensor networks," IEEE J. Oceanic Eng., vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 277-291, Apr. 2015. [pdf]

  • D. Mishra, S. De, and K. Chowdhury, "Charging time characterization for wireless RF energy transfer," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Part-II: Express Briefs, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 362-366, Apr. 2015. (best paper nomination) [pdf]

  • C. Singhal, S. De, R. Trestian, and G.-M. Muntean, "eWU-TV: User-centric energy-efficient digital TV broadcast over Wi-Fi networks," IEEE Trans. Broadcast., vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 39-55, Mar. 2015. [pdf]

  • M. M. Vegad, S. De, and B. Lall, "Analysis of optimal carrier sensing range in wireless ad hoc networks with order dependent capture capability," Springer Wireless Pers. Commun. J., vol. 81, no. 2, pp. 445-472, Mar. 2015. [pdf]

  • S. Debroy, S. De, and M. Chatterjee, "Contention based multichannel MAC protocol for distributed cognitive radio networks," IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput., vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 2749-2762, Dec. 2014. [pdf]

  • S. De, R. Saini, and A. Sharma, "Source-aware adaptive power allocation in OFDM systems for rate constrained applications," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 18, no. 10. pp. 1855-1858, Oct. 2014. [pdf]

  • A. Sharma, S. De, H. M. Gupta, and R. Gangopadhyay, "Multiple description transform coded transmission over OFDM broadcast channels," Elsevier Physical Communication, vol. 12, pp. 79-92, Sep. 2014. [pdf]

  • C. Singhal, S. De, R. Trestian, and G.-M. Muntean, "Joint optimization of user-experience and energy-efficiency in wireless multimedia broadcast,"IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput., vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 1522-1535, July 2014. [pdf]

  • C. Singhal, S. Kumar, S. De, N. Panwar, R. Tonde, and P. De, "Class-based shared resource allocation for cell-edge users in OFDMA networks,"IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 48-60, Jan. 2014. [pdf]

  • P. De, N. Banerjee, and S. De, "Exploiting multiple description coding for intermediate recovery in wireless mesh networks,"Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Spl. Issue on Advances in Multimedia Services over Emerging Wireless Networks, vol. 37, pp. 2-11, Jan. 2014. [pdf]

  • P. Mandal, S. De, and S. S. Chakraborty, "A receiver synchronized slotted Aloha for underwater wireless networks with imprecise propagation delay information ad hoc networks,"Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Spl. Issue on Wireless Communication in Challenged Environments, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 1443-1455, Jun. 2013. [pdf]

  • S. De and R. Singhal, "Towards uninterrupted operation of wireless sensor networks,"IEEE Computer Mag., vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 24-30, Sept. 2012. [pdf]

  • B. Panigrahi, S. De, B. S. Panda, and J.-D. Lan Sun Luk, "Network lifetime maximizing forwarding strategies in ad hoc wireless sensor networks,"IET Commun., vol. 6, no. 14, pp. 2138-2148, Sept. 2012. [pdf]

  • S. De, A. Sharma, R. Jantti, and H. D. Cavdar, "Channel adaptive stop-and-wait ARQ protocols for short-range wireless links,"IET Commun., vol. 6, no. 14, pp. 2128-2137, Sept. 2012. [pdf]

  • B. Panigrahi, A. Sharma, and S. De, "Interference aware power controlled forwarding for lifetime maximization of wireless ad hoc networks,"IET Wireless Sensor Systems, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 22-30, Mar. 2012. [pdf]

  • A. Sharma and S. De, "Exploiting fading dynamics along with AMC for energy-efficient transmission over fading channels,"IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 1218-1220, Nov. 2011. [pdf]

  • S. De, P. Mandal, and S. S. Chakraborty, "On the characterization of Aloha in underwater wireless networks,"Elsevier J. Mathematical and Computer Modeling, Spl. Issue on Wireless Networks, vol. 53, no. 11-12, pp. 2093-2107, Jun. 2011 [pdf]

  • S. De, V. Singh, H. M. Gupta, N. Saxena, and A. Roy, "A new predictive dynamic priority scheduling in EPONs,"Elsevier J. Optical Switching and Networking, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 215-223, Dec. 2010. [pdf]

  • R. K. Reddy, S. De, H. M. Gupta, "Joint control of transmit power and frame size for energy-optimized data transfer in wireless sensor networks," IEICE Trans. Commun., Spl. Section on Implementation, Experiments, and Practice for Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks, vol. E93-B, no.08, pp. 2043-2052, Aug. 2010. [pdf]

  • S. S. Chakraborty, R. Roy, and S. De, "ARQ-based switched antenna diversity in Markov channels," IET Electron. Lett., vol. 44, no. 25, pp. 1475-1476, Dec. 2008. [pdf]

  • N. Ansari, C. Zhang, R. Rojas-Cessa, S. De, P. Sakarindr, and E. S.H. Hou, "Networking for critical conditions," IEEE Wireless Commun. Mag., Apr. 2008. [pdf]

  • S. De and C. Qiao, "A hybrid mesh multipath forwarding scheme in wireless ad hoc networks," Elsevier Computer Communications, vol.30, no. 17, pp. 3346-3357, Nov. 2007. [pdf]

  • T. Chaira, S. De, and O. Salvetti, "A new measure on intuitionistic fuzzy set using Hausdorff metric and its application to edge detection," J. Fuzzy Math., vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 645-654, 2007.

  • S. De, A. Caruso, T. Chaira, and S. Chessa, "Bounds on hop distance in greedy routing approach in wireless ad hoc networks," Int. J. Wireless and Mobile Computing, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 131-140, 2006. [pdf]

  • S. De, "On hop count and Euclidean distance in greedy forwarding in wireless ad hoc networks," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 1000-1002, Nov. 2005. [pdf]

  • H. Wu, S. De, C. Qiao, E. Yanmaz, and O. Tonguz, "Hand-off performance of the integrated cellular and ad hoc relaying (iCAR) system," ACM/Kluwer J. Wireless Networks, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 775-785, Nov. 2005. [pdf]

  • S. De, C. Qiao, D. A. Pados, M. Chatterjee, and S. J. Philip, "An integrated cross-layer study of wireless CDMA sensor networks," IEEE J. Sel. Areas in Commun., spl. issue on quality of service delivery in variable topology networks, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 1271-1285, Sept. 2004. [pdf]

  • S. De, C. Qiao, and H. Wu, "Meshed multipath routing with selective forwarding: An efficient strategy in wireless sensor networks," Elsevier Computer Networks, Special Issue on Wireless Sensor Networks, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 481-497, Nov. 2003. [pdf]

  • S. De, C. Qiao, and S. K. Das, "A resource efficient QoS routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks," Wiley J. Wireless Commun. and Mobile Computing, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 465-486, June 2003. [pdf]

  • P.-L. Liu and S. De, "Fiber design - from optical mode to index profile," SPIE J. Optical Engineering, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 981-984, Apr. 2003. [pdf]

  • S. De, S. K. Das, H. Wu, and C. Qiao, "Trigger-based distributed QoS routing in mobile ad hoc networks," ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 22-35, July 2002. (selected from among the best poster papers in ACM MobiHoc 2002) [pdf]

  • H. Wu, C. Qiao, S. De, and O. Tonguz, "Integrated cellular and ad hoc relay systems: iCAR," IEEE J. Sel. Areas in Commun., vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 2105-2115, Oct. 2001. [pdf]

  • A. Girdher, S. De, J.-B. Seo, and R. K. Mallik, "In-band coexistence of new radio with fixed satellite services in C-band," in Proc. IEEE ICC Wksp., pp. 1-6, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2025. [pdf]

  • S. Park, Z. Cao, H. Jin, S. De, and J.-B. Seo, "A novel hedonic coalition formation game for spectrum shared communication in CBRS band," in Proc. IEEE DySPAN, pp. 1-8, London, UK, May 2025. [pdf]

  • R. Dubey, A. Balakrishnan, and S. De, "Intelligent UAV swarm coexistence in DTV bands," in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall Wksp., pp. 1-6, Washington, DC, USA, Oct. 2024. [pdf]

  • Bhola, Y-J. Chen, A. Balakrishnan, S. De, and L.-C. Wang, "Cooperative UAV relay based satellite aerial ground integrated networks," in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall Wksp., pp. 1-6, Washington, DC, USA, Oct. 2024. [pdf][slides]

  • S. Sharma and S. De, "RIS-Aided Polarization Aware Optimal WPT," in Proc. IEEE VTC-Spring, pp. 1-5, Singapore, Jun. 2024. [pdf]

  • B. Sadvik, S. Suman, and S. De, "Impact of wind on UAV collision avoidance," in Proc. IEEE ICC, pp. 1-6, Denver, CO, USA, Jun. 2024. [pdf][slides]

  • A. Balakrishnan, S. De, and L.-C Wang, "HAPS-aided power grid connected green communication framework: Architecture and optimization" in Proc. IEEE ICC, pp. 1-6, Denver, CO, USA, Jun. 2024. [pdf][slides]

  • Himanshu, K. Saha, P. Das, and S. De, "A network segmentation architecture for flow aggregation and DDoS mitigation in SDN using RAPID flow rules," in Proc. ACM ICDCN, Chennai, India, Jan. 2024. [pdf]

  • N. Varshney, C. Puligheddu, C.-F. Chiasserini, C. Casetti, and S. De, "Intelligent execution of computer vision tasks in delay-constrained UAV-aided networks," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM Wksp., pp. 1-6, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023. [pdf][slides]

  • A. K. Mandal and S. De, "Characterization of qualified grid nodes for identification of power network oscillations" in Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Energy Technol. Future Grids (ETFG), pp. 1-6, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2023. [pdf]

  • A. K. Mandal, S. De, and B. K. Panigrahi, "Grid controllability aware optimal placement of PMUs with limited input current channels" in Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Energy Technol. Future Grids (ETFG), pp. 1-6, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2023. [pdf]

  • N. Tiwari, S. De, and S. Dharmaraja, "Energy-efficient turbulence-regime based adaptive FSO broadcast systems," in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall, pp. 1-6, Hong Kong, China, Oct. 2023. [pdf]

  • P. Das, E. D. Singh, S. Chatterjee, and S. De, "Monitoring of air contaminant gases using a UV-based optical sensor," in Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Sensors Nanotechnol. (SENNANO), pp. 1-6, Putrajaya, Malaysia, Sep. 2023. [pdf]

  • R. Choudhury, A. K. Mandal, S. De, K. Saha, and R. K. Mallik, "DC signature analysis aided power source identification," in Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Industrial Inform. Sys. (ICIIS), pp. 1-6, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Aug. 2023. [pdf][slides]

  • A. K. Mandal, J.-B. Seo, S. De, A. K. Poddar, and U. L. Rohde, "A novel statistically-aided learning framework for precise localization of UAVs," in Proc. IEEE VTC-Spring, pp. 1-6, Florence, Italy, Jun. 2023. [pdf]

  • S. Ghosh, S. Chatterjee, S. De, A. K. Poddar, and U. L. Rohde, "PWM controlled 180 degree analog phase shifter," in Proc. IEEE Interregional NEWCAS Conf., pp. 1-6, Edinburgh, Scotland, Jun. 2023. [pdf]

  • N. Varshney, R. Ghazalian, R. Jantti, and S. De, "BackScatter-assisted indoor mmWave communications with directional beam at user," in Proc. IEEE ICC, pp. 1-6, Rome, Italy, May 2023. [pdf]

  • A. Goel and S. De, "Backscatter communication based sensor data collection using LASER powered UAV," in Proc. IEEE ICC, pp. 1-6, Rome, Italy, May 2023. [pdf]

  • S. Ghosh, P. Das, M. Shakthipriya, S. De, S. Chatterjee, and M. Portmann, "Energy aware smart sensing implementation in green air pollution monitoring system," in Proc. IEEE ICC, pp. 1-6, Rome, Italy, May 2023. [pdf]

  • S. Sharma and S. De, "Distributed RF beamforming for wireless power transfer over time varying channels," in Proc. IEEE ICC, pp. 1-6, Rome, Italy, May 2023. [pdf]

  • N. Tiwari, S. De, and S. Dharmaraja, "Modeling of channel asymmetry in HAP-based optical wireless communications," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., pp. 1-6, Guwahati, India, Feb. 2023. [pdf]

  • S. Sharma, C. Ganguly, and S. De, "Effect of polarization on RF signal transmission over two-ray channel," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., pp. 1-6, Guwahati, India, Feb. 2023. [pdf]

  • A. Balakrishnan, S. De, and L.-C Wang, "Toward Green Residential Systems: Is Cooperation The Way Forward?" in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, pp. 1-6, Rio de Janerio, Brazil, Dec. 2022. [pdf]

  • R. Dubey and S. De, "SIC based secondary coexistence over ATSC 3.0 broadcast channels," in Proc. IEEE MILCOM Young Scholar Wksp., pp. 1-5, Washington DC, USA, Nov. 2022. [pdf]

  • S. Biswas, Himanshu, S. Ghosh, P. Das, K. Saha, and S. De, "Efficient data transfer mechanism for DLMS/COSEM enabled smart energy metering platform," in Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS/ IFIP Performance, Poster paper, pp. 1-3, Mumbai, India, Jun. 2022. [pdf]

  • R. Gupta, V. Gupta, A. K. Mandal, and S. De, "Learning-based multivariate real-time data pruning for smart PMU communication," in Proc. IEEE CCNC, pp. 1-6, Virtual (onine), Feb. 2022. [pdf]

  • P. Das, S. Ghosh, W. A. Khan, S. Chatterjee, and S. De, "Prototype implementation of dynamic data pruning in smart energy meter," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM Wksp., pp. 1-6, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2021. [pdf]

  • A. Balakrishnan, S. De, and L.-C. Wang, "Energy sharing based cooperative dual-powered green cellular networks," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, pp. 1-6, Madrid, Spain, Dec. 2021. [pdf]

  • N. Varshney and S. De, "Joint beamwidth and number of concurrent beams estimation in downlink mmWave communications," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., pp. 1-6, Kanpur, India, Jul. 2021. (Best paper award) [pdf]

  • P. Mukherjee and S. De, "Reduced-Feedback Scheduling Policies for Energy-efficient MAC," in Proc. IEEE ICC Wksp., pp. 1-6, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2021. [pdf]

  • S. Ghosh, S. De, S. Chatterjee, and M. Portmann, "Learning-based smart sensing for energy-sustainable WSN," in Proc. IEEE ICC, pp. 1-6, Montreal, Canada, Jun. 2021. [pdf]

  • A. Balakrishnan, S. De, and L.-C. Wang, "Traffic skewness-aware performance analysis of dualpowered green cellular networks," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, pp. 1-6, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 2020. [pdf]

  • P. Das, S. Ghosh, S. Chatterjee, and S. De, "Energy harvesting-enabled 5G advanced air pollution monitoring device," in Proc. IEEE 5F World Forum, pp. 1-5, Bangalore, India, Jan. 2020. [pdf]

  • W. A. Khan, P. Das, S. Ghosh, M. Roy Chowdhury, S. Tripathi, S. Kaur, S.Chatterjee, and S. De, "Smart IoT Communication: Circuits and Systems," Research exhibit, in Proc. COMSNETS, pp. 1-2, Bangalore, India, Jan. 2020. (The runner-up research demo award)[pdf]

  • S. Suman and S. De, "Performance analysis of UAV-aided RF energy transfer," Poster paper, in Proc. COMSNETS, pp. 1-3, Bangalore, India, Jan. 2020.[pdf]

  • S. Tripathi, M. Roy Chowdhury, and S. De, "Versatile multivariate data pruning in smart grid IoT networks," Poster paper, in Proc. COMSNETS, pp. 1-3, Bangalore, India, Jan. 2020. (Best poster paper award first runner-up)[pdf]

  • V. Gupta, S. De, "Adaptive multi-sensing in EH-WSN for smart environment," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Waikoloa, HI (accepted, Dec. 2019).[pdf]

  • A. Kakarla, M. V. S. K. Reddy, A. Qureshi, S. Thatikonda, S. De, T. Ishizaka, A. Fukuda, and S. Jana, "Comprehensive air quality management system for rapidly growing cities in developing countries," in Proc. IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), pp. 1-6, Seattle, Washington, Oct. 2019. [pdf]

  • P. Lohan, J.-B. Seo, and S. De, "Utility-fair wireless resource allocation for heterogeneous users," in Proc. IEEE PIMRC, pp. 1-5, Istanbul, Turkey, Sep. 2019. [pdf]

  • A. Thakur, S. De, and G.-M. Muntean, "Interference-aware co-channel transmission over DTV bands via partial frequency and time overlaps," in Proc. IEEE ICC, pp. 1-6, Shanghai, China, May 2019. [pdf]

  • C. Taneja, S. Chatterjee, and S. De, "QoE-aware cross-layer adaptation for delay-constrained video transmission over wireless channels," in Proc. IEEE WCNC, pp. 1-6, Marrakech, Morocco, Apr. 2019. [pdf]

  • J.-B. Seo, S. De, and S.-Y. Kim, "Half-duplex ALOHA systems for low power wide area networks,"in Proc. IEEE VTC Spring, Porto, Portugal, Jun. 2018.[pdf]

  • S. Suman, S. Kumar, and S. De, "UAV-assisted RF energy transfer,"in Proc. IEEE ICC, pp. 1-6, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 2018.[pdf]

  • D. Mishra, G. Alexandropoulos, and S. De, "Harvested power fairness optimization in MISO SWIPT multicasting IoT with individual constraints,"in Proc. IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, USA, May 2018.[pdf]

  • S. Kumar, S. Suman, and S. De, "Backhaul and Delay-aware Placement of UAV-enabled Base Station,"in Proc. IEEE ICC, Honolulu, HI, USA, April 2018.[pdf]

  • S. Agarwal, F. Malandrino, C.-F. Chiasserini, and S. De, "Joint VNF placement and CPU allocation in 5G,"in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Honolulu, HI, USA, Apr. 2018.[pdf]

  • M. Roychowdhury, N. K. Shukla, S. De, and R. Biswas, "Energy-efficient air pollution monitoring with optimum duty-cycling on a sensor hub,"in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., Hyderabad, India, Mar. 2018. [pdf]

  • S. Tripathi and S. De, "Poster: Selective data transmission scheme for wide area smart grid communication network,"in Proc. ASSET Symp., (co-located with IEEE COMSNETS 2018), Bangalore, India, Jan. 2018.

  • P. Mukherjee and S. De, "Poster: Channel-aware link layer protocol for energy-efficient communication,"in Proc. ASSET Symp., (co-located with IEEE COMSNETS 2018), Bangalore, India, Jan. 2018.

  • R. B. Chenna, C. Singhal, and S. De, "MDTC video transmission using channel aware multipath routing in wireless mesh networks,"in Proc. IEEE ICDCN, Varanasi, India, Jan. 2018.

  • B. S. Panda, B. Bhatta, D. Mishra, and S. De, "New heuristics for strong minimum energy topology with reduced time complexity,"in Proc. IEEE ANTS, Bhubaneswar, India, Dec. 2017.[pdf]

  • R. Saini, D. Mishra, and S. De, "Novel subcarrier pairing strategy for DF relayed secure OFDMA with untrusted users,"in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM Wksp, Singapore, Dec. 2017.[pdf]

  • D. Mishra, S. De, G. C. Alexandropoulos, and D. Krishnaswamy, "Energy-aware mode selection for throughput maximization in RF-powered D2D communications,"in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Singapore, Dec. 2017.[pdf]

  • S. Suman and S. De, "Solar-enabled green base stations: Cost versus utility,"in Proc. IEEE WoWMoM, Macau, China, Jun. 2017.[pdf]

  • E. Khairullah, S. De, and M. Chatterjee, "Queue-aware opportunistic scheduling in multi-channel dynamic spectrum access networks,"in Proc. IEEE WoWMoM, Macau, China, Jun. 2017.[pdf]

  • D. Mishra and S. De, "Utility maximization models for two-hop energy relaying in practical RF harvesting networks,"in Proc. IEEE ICC Wksp. Energy Harvesting Commun., Paris, France, May 2017.[pdf]

  • D. Mishra, S. De, and D. Krishnaswamy, "i2ER: Integrated information and energy relaying protocol for RF powered communication network,"in Proc. IEEE ICC, Paris, France, May 2017.[pdf]

  • S. Kumar, D. Mishra, and S. De, "An accurate channel model for optimizing effect of non-LOS component in RF energy transfer,"in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., Chennai, India, Mar. 2017.

  • S. Agarwal and S. De, "Poster: Rural Broadband Access via TVWS," in Proc. ASSET Symp., (co-located with ACM MobiSys 2016) Singapore, Jun. 2016.

  • D. Mishra and S. De, "Optimal power allocation and relay placement for wireless information and RF power transfer," in Proc. IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016.[pdf]

  • D. Mishra and S. De, "Achievable throughput in relay-powered RF harvesting cooperative sensor networks," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., Guwahati, India, Mar. 2016.[pdf]

  • D. Mishra and S. De, "Relay-powered cooperative sensor networks," in Proc. IEEE CCNC, Las Vegas, NV, USA, Jan. 2016.

  • S. Tripathi and S. De, "Assessment of power system stability using reduced-rate synchrophasor data," in Proc. IEEE ANTS, Kolkata, India, Dec. 2015.[pdf]

  • A. Kakarla, S. Jana, and S. De, "Fine scale mapping of air pollution based on mobile sensing: A practical prototype," in Proc. Indo-German Conf. Sustainability, Chennai, India, Dec. 2015.

  • S. Agarwal, S. De, and J.-B. Seo, "Cognitive multihoming: Maximizing network utility over CR-assisted cellular network," in Proc. IEEE Globecom Wksp., San Diego, CA, USA, Dec. 2015.[pdf]

  • K. Kaushik, D. Mishra, S. De, J.-B. Seo, S. Jana, K. R. Chowdhury, S. Basagni, and W. Heinzelman, "RF Energy Harvester basedWake-up Radio for WSN," in Proc. IEEE Sensors Conf., Busan, South Korea, Nov. 2015.[pdf]

  • C. Singhal, S. De, and H. M. Gupta, "U-TV: User-centric scalable DTV broadcast over heterogeneous wireless networks," in Proc. IEEE WoWMoM, Boston, MA, USA, Jun. 2015.[pdf]

  • R. Saini, A. Jindal, and S. De, "Jammer Assisted Sum Rate and Fairness Improvement in Secure OFDMA," in Proc. IEEE ICC, London, Jun. 2015.[pdf]

  • S. Agarwal and S. De, "A Persistent Link Layer Transmission Strategy for Efficient Dynamic Spectrum Access," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., Mumbai, India, Feb.-Mar. 2015.[pdf]

  • R. Jain and S. De, "User-Adaptive Layer and Power Allocation for Video Multicast Over Wireless," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., Mumbai, India, Feb. 2015.[pdf]

  • B. S. Panda, B. K. Bhatta, D. Mishra, and S. De, "Boruvka-incremental power greedy heuristic for strong minimum energy topology in wireless sensor networks," in Proc. ACM ICDCN, Goa, India, Jan. 2015.

  • M. Y. Naderi, K. Chowdhury, S. Basagni, W. Heinzelman, S. De, and S. Jana, "Experimental study of concurrent data and wireless energy transfer for sensor networks," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Austin, TX, USA, Dec. 2014. [pdf]

  • D. Mishra, K. Kaushik, S. De, S. Jana, S. Basagni, K. Chowdhury, and W. Heinzelman, "Implementation of multi-path energy routing," in Proc. IEEE PIMRC, Washington, DC, USA, Sep. 2014. [pdf]

  • M. Y. Naderi, K. Chowdhury, S. Basagni, W. Heinzelman, S. De, and S. Jana, "Surviving wireless energy interference in RF-harvesting sensor networks: An empirical study," in Proc. IEEE SECON Wksp. Energy Harvesting Commun., Singapore, Jun.-Jul. 2014. [pdf]

  • C. Singhal, R. Trestian, S. De, and G.-M. Muntean, "eSMART: Energy-efficient scalable multimedia broadcast for heterogeneous users," in Proc. IEEE VidEv Wksp. (co-located with IEEE WoWMoM), Sydney, Australia, Jun. 2014. [pdf]

  • C. Singhal, S. De, and H. M. Gupta, "User heterogeneity and priority adaptive multimedia broadcast over wireless," in Proc. IEEE ICC, Sydney, Australia, Jun. 2014. [pdf]

  • B. Panigrahi, S. De, H. Rath, and A. Simha, "ARIMA - Asymmetric receiver initiated multiple access power control protocol for wireless ad hoc networks," in Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. Systems and Networks Technol., Bhopal, India, Apr. 2014.

  • R. Saini and S. De, "Subcarrier based resource allocation," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., Kanpur, India, Feb.-Mar. 2014. [pdf]

  • C. Singhal and S. De, "ePAB: Energy-efficient, user-preference based adaptive multimedia broadcast," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., Kanpur, India, Feb.-Mar. 2014. [pdf]

  • S. Debroy, S. De, and M. Chatterjee, "Contention based multi-channel MAC protocol for distributed cognitive radio networks," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Atlanta, GA, USA, Dec. 2013.

  • J. B. Singh, V. S. Reddy, S. Jana, and S. De, "Assessment of health risk due to PM10 using fuzzy linear membership kriging with particle swarm optimization," in Proc. Intl. Conf. EnviroInfo, Hamburg, Germany, Sep. 2013.

  • K. Kaushik, D. Mishra, S. De, S. Basagni, W. Heinzelman, K. Chowdhury, and S. Jana, "Experimental demonstration of multi-Hop RF energy transfer," in Proc. IEEE PIMRC, London, UK, Sept. 2013. [pdf]

  • P. Gupta, K. Kaushik, S. De, and S. Jana, "Feasibility analysis on integrated recharging and data collection in pollution sensor networks," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., New Delhi, India, Feb. 2013. [pdf]

  • M. M. Vegad, S. De, and B. Lall, "Revisiting distributed transmit power control in ad hoc wireless networks with ODC capability," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., New Delhi, India, Feb. 2013. [pdf]

  • P. Mandal and S. De, "A new dynamic reservation protocol for many-to-one multi-access with long propagation delay," in Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall, Quebec City, Canada, Sept. 2012. [pdf]

  • U. P. Moravapalle and S. De, "Mesh routing for error resilient delivery of multiple-description coded image/video content," in Proc. IEEE ICCCN, Munich, Germany, Jul.-Aug. 2012. [pdf]

  • N. Banerjee, S. De, P. De, and K. Dhamale, "Dynamic source and channel rate adaptation for video streaming over wireless fading channels," in Proc. IEEE HPCC, Liverpool, UK, Jun. 2012. [pdf]

  • S. Kumar, S. De, and H. M. Gupta, "Co-operative downlink scheduling for cell edge and handoff users," in Proc. IEEE WCNC, Paris, France, Apr. 2012.

  • P. Mandal and and S. De, "On the Underwater Wireless Network Clustering," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., Kharagpur, India, Feb. 2012. [pdf]

  • A. Sharma, S. De, and H. M. Gupta, "Optimizing MDTC over feedback-less OFDM channels," in Proc. IASTED Wireless Commun. Conf., Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2011.

  • A. Sharma, B. Panigrahi, and S. De, "Impact of interference on nodal communication range in wireless ad hoc networks," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., Bangalore, India, Jan. 2011. [pdf]

  • P. De, N. Banerjee, and S. De, "Error-resilient image transmission over multihop wireless networks," in Proc. COMSNETS, Bangalore, India, Jan. 2011. [pdf]

  • A. Sharma, S. De, and H. M. Gupta, "Power-efficient transmission of DWT image over OFDM channels," in Proc. IAMCOM Wksp., Bangalore, India, Jan. 2011. [pdf]

  • S. Sen and S. De, "IEEE 802.15.4 multihop forwarding throughput analysis in presence of hidden/exposed terminals," in Proc. Intl. Symp. on Wireless Personal Multimedia Commun. (WPMC), Recife, Brazil, Oct. 2010. [pdf]

  • S. F. Hasan, N. H. Siddique, S. S. Chakraborty, and S. De, "HMM-based modelling of roadside-to-vehicle WLAN communications," in Proc. IEEE, IET Intl. Symp. on Communication Systems, Networks, and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), Newcastle, UK, July 2010. [pdf]

  • M. M. Vegad, S. De, and B. Lall, "A liberal carrier sensing for increased spatial reuse in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks," in Proc. IEEE ICC, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010. [pdf]

  • S. De, A. Kawatra, and S. Chatterjee, "On the feasibility of network energy operated field sensors," in Proc. IEEE ICC, Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010. [pdf]

  • B. Panigrahi, S. De, B. S. Panda, and J.-D. Lan Sun Luk, "Energy-efficient greedy forwarding protocol for wireless sensor networks," in Proc. Vehicular Tech. Conf. (VTC-Spring), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2010. [pdf]

  • V. Singh, S. De, H. M. Gupta, N. Saxena, and A. Roy, "An efficient channel and queue aware resource allocation strategy in wireless access networks," in IEEE Sarnoff Symp., Princeton, NJ, Apr. 2010. [pdf]

  • M. M. Vegad, S. De, and B. Lall, "Mitigation of exposed terminals problem with differential capture capable receivers," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., Chennai, India, Jan. 2010. [pdf]

  • P. Mandal, S. De, and S. S. Chakraborty, "Characterization of Aloha in underwater wireless networks," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., Chennai, India, Jan. 2010. [pdf]

  • M. M. Vegad, S. De, and B. Lall, "Reconsideration of carrier sensing range for wireless ad hoc networks," in Proc. IEEE Advances in Networks and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS), New Delhi, India, Dec. 2009. (best poster award) [pdf]

  • R. Kumar, S. De, H. M. Gupta, N. Saxena, and A. Roy, "A new QoS aware predictive scheduling strategy in EPONs," in Proc. IEEE Advances in Networks and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS), New Delhi, India, Dec. 2009. [pdf]

  • A. Cho, N. Saxena, A. Roy, S. De, and H. M. Gupta, "Avoiding unnecessary handovers in a highly dense environment," in Proc. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer LNCS, vol. 56, 2009, Pages 97-104.

  • D. P. Lazar, N. Saxena, H. M. Gupta, and S. De, "Handover support for converged inter-RAT networks," in Proc. ACM Intl. Conf. Interaction Sciences: Information Technology, Culture and Human, Seoul, South Korea, Nov. 2009.

  • R. K. Reddy, N. Pandey, B. Panigrahi, S. De, and H. M. Gupta, "Joint control of transmit power and frame size for energy-optimized data transfer in wireless sensor networks," in Proc. Intl. Symp. on Wireless Personal Multimedia Commun. (WPMC), Sendai, Japan, Sept. 2009.

  • A. Caruso, S. Chessa, and S. De, "Relation between gradients and geographic distances in dense sensor networks with greedy message forwarding," in IEEE Intl. Conf. on Systems and Networks Communications, Porto, Portugal, Sept. 2009. [pdf]

  • S. De, U. Garg, and G. Chaula, "Throughput modeling of multihop radial wireless sensor networks," in Proc. Nat. Conf. Commun., Guwahati, India, Jan. 2009. [pdf]

  • B. Panigrahi, S. De, and J.-D. Lan Sun Luk, "A greedy minimum energy consumption forwarding protocol for wireless sensor networks," in Proc. IEEE Wksp. IAMCOM, (in conjunction with IEEE COMSNETS), Bangalore, India, Jan. 2009. [pdf]

  • S. De and H. D. Cavdar, "Channel-aware link layer ARQ strategies in wireless networks," in Proc. IEEE Wireless Commun. and Mobile Comp. Conf., Crete, Greece, Aug. 2008.

  • E. Haghani, S. De, and N. Ansari, "On modeling VoIP traffic in broadband networks," in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, Washington, DC, Dec. 2007. [pdf]

  • S. De, K. Egoh, and G. Dosi, "A receiver initiated power control multi-access protocol in wireless ad hoc networks," in Proc. IEEE Sarnoff Symp., Princeton, NJ, May 2007. [pdf]

  • K. Egoh and S. De, "A multi-criteria receiver-side relay election approach in wireless ad hoc networks," in Proc. IEEE MILCOM, Washington DC, Oct. 2006. [pdf]

  • K. Egoh and S. De, "Priority-based receiver-side relay election in wireless ad hoc sensor networks," in Proc. IEEE Wireless Commun. and Mobile Comp. Conf., Vancouver, Canada, July 2006. [pdf]

  • L. Liu, H. Ge, and S. De, "Impact of network resource constraints on the performance of wireless sensor relay networks," in Proc. IEEE Wireless Commun. and Mobile Comp. Conf., Vancouver, Canada, July 2006. [pdf]

  • H. Wu, C. Qiao, S. De, E. Yanmaz, and O. Tonguz, "Quality of coverage (QoC) in integrated heterogeneous wireless systems," in Proc. Intl. conf. Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN), Wuhan, China, Dec. 2005.

  • A. Caruso, S. Chessa, S. De, and A. Urpi, "GPS free coordinate assignment and routing in wireless sensor networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Miami, Florida, Mar. 2005. [pdf]

  • H. Wu, S. De, C. Qiao, E. Yanmaz, and O. Tonguz, "Managed mobility: A novel concept in integrated wireless systems," in Proc. Intl. conf. IEEE Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (poster presentation), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Oct. 2004. [pdf]

  • S. De and C. Qiao, "On throughput and load balancing of multipath routing in wireless networks," in Proc. IEEE WCNC, Atlanta, Georgia, Mar. 2004. [pdf]

  • S. De, C. Qiao, D. A. Pados, and M. Chatterjee, "Topological and MAI constraints on the performance of wireless CDMA sensor networks," in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Hong Kong, China, Mar. 2004.

  • S. De and C. Qiao, "Does packet replication along multipath really help ?" in Proc. IEEE ICC, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2003. [pdf]

  • H. Wu, S. De, Chunming Qiao, E. Yanmaz, and O. Tonguz, "Queuing delay performance of the integrated cellular and ad hoc relaying system," in Proc. IEEE ICC, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2003. [pdf]

  • S. De, C. Qiao, and H. Wu, "Meshed multipath routing: An efficient strategy in sensor networks," in Proc. IEEE Wireless Commun. and Networking Conf. (WCNC), New Orleans, Mar. 2003.

  • S. De, S. K. Das, H. Hu, and C. Qiao, "A resource efficient RT-QoS routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks," in Proc. IEEE Intl. Symp. on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), pp. 257--261, Honolulu, Hawaii, Oct. 2002.

  • C. Qiao, H. Wu, S. De, E. Yanmaz, O. Tonguz, and S. Mishra, "Deploying iCAR in disaster recovery," in Proc. IEEE Workshop on Disaster Recovery Networks (DIREN), New York, June 2002.

  • S. De, S. K. Das, H. Wu, and C. Qiao, "Trigger-Based Distributed QoS Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," in Proc. ACM MobiHOC 2002 (poster presentation), Lausanne, Switzerland, June, 2002. (best poster paper)

  • S. De, O. Tonguz, H. Wu, and C. Qiao, "Integrated cellular and ad hoc relaying (iCAR) systems: Pushing the performance limits of conventional wireless networks," in Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on System Sciences, Big Island, Hawaii, Jan. 2002. [pdf]

  • S. De and S. K. Das, "Maximum achievable traffic load balancing in cellular radio networks," in Intl. Conf. on High Performance Computing (HiPC), Hyderabad, India, Dec. 2001, Springer LNCS, vol. 2228, pp. 321--330.

  • S. De and P.-L. Liu, "Fiber design - from optical mode to index profile," in Proc. SPIE Asia-Pacific Optical and Wireless Comm. Conf. (APOC), vol. 4579-02, Beijing, China, Nov. 2001.

  • S. De and S. K. Das, "Maximum achievable traffic load balancing in cellular radio networks," in Proc. SPIE ITCOM'01, vol. 4531, pp. 49-58, Denver, Colorado, Aug. 2001.

  • S. De and S. K. Das, "Dynamic multipath routing (DMPR): An approach to improve resource utilization in networks for real-time traffic," in Proc. IEEE MASCOTS, Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 2001.

  • S. De, S. K. Das, and O. Tonguz, "Dynamic multipath routing in networks and switches carrying connection-oriented traffic," in Proc. IEEE ICC, Helsinki, Finland, June 2001. [pdf]

  • S. De and S. Kar, "Performance analysis of a FO-CDMA LAN using a time domain system model," in Proc. SPIE Intl. Conf. on Advances in Photonic Tech. (ICAPT), vol. 4087, pp. 37--48, Quebec City, Canada, June 2000. [pdf]

  • S. Kar, G. Ramakrishnaiah, and S. De, "Performance of fiber optic CDMA LANs with less-than ideal components," in Proc. SPIE Intl. Conf. on Advances in Photonic Technol. (ICAPT), vol. 3491, pp. 513-517, Ottawa, Canada, Dec. 1998.

  • G. Ramakrishnaiah, S. Kar, and S. De, "Performance analysis of FO-CDMA LANs with non-ideal network components," in Proc. National Symp. on Advances in Microwaves and Lightwaves, Delhi, India, Mar. 1998.

  • S. De A. K. Mandal, H. S. Naidu, and K. Sirohi, "Experiential cognitive network-based edge resource optimization in modern real-time cyber physical systems," applied for Indian Patent, Nov. 2024.

  • S. Chatterjee, P. Das, and S. De, "Simplified signal conditioning for UV spectroscopy based multiple gas sensing module," applied for Indian Patent, ref. no. 202411020518, Mar. 2024.

  • S. De, A. K. Mandal, R. Choudhury, K. Saha, K. Sirohi, and R. K. Mallik, "A system and a method for detecting a type of power source," applied for Indian patent, ref. no. 202311053470, Aug. 2023; applied for International/PCT, ref. no. PCT/IN2024/051473, Aug. 2024.

  • S. De and S. Sharma, "Synchronization methods and systems for distributed optical beamforming (DOB)," applied for Indian Patent, ref. no. 202311009786, Feb. 2023.

  • S. Chatterjee, P. Das, S. Ghosh, and S. De, "Pollution monitoring system and method thereof," applied for US patent, ref. no. 17/954,019, Sep. 2022.

  • S. De, M. Roychowdhury, and S. Tripathi, "Multivariate data compression system and method thereof," US Patent no. US 12155741, Nov. 2024; applied for Indian patent, ref. no. IN201811041561A, May 2020.

  • S. Chatterjee, S. Ghosh, and S. De, "A system for optimizing energy transmission and a method thereof ," Indian Patent no. 547208, Aug. 2024; applied for EU patent, ref. no. EP22205827.3, Nov. 2022.

  • S. De, A. K. Mandal, V. Gupta, and R. Gupta, "System and method for optimizing data transmission in a communication network," US Patent no. US 12021928, Jun. 2024; applied for Indian patent, ref. no. 202111043813, Sep. 2021.

  • S. De, S. Tripathi, and M. Roychowdhury, "System for adaptive compressive sampling and method thereof," Indian Patent no. 535012, Apr. 2024.

  • S. De, A. Balakrishnan, K. Sirohi, and D. Mitra, "System and method for providing energy management in communication network," Indian Patent no. 508883, Feb. 2024; applied for US patent, ref. no. 18/061,249, Nov. 2022.

  • S. De and S. Sachdev, "A method and an apparatus for wireless information and energy transfer using distributed beamforming," Indian Patent no. 503691, Jan. 2024; applied for US/PCT, ref. no. PCT/IN2021/050983, Oct. 2021.

  • S. De and A. Thakur, "Scheme for co-channel transmission in the DTV bands," Indian Patent no. 472497, Nov. 2023.

  • S. De and K. Egoh, "Multi-criteria optimization for relaying in multi-hop wireless ad hoc and sensor networks," US Patent no. US 7,872,977 B2, Jan. 2011; European Patent no. EP2151100, Oct. 2010; International Patent no. WO/2008/151242, Nov. 2008.

  • S. Tripathi and S. De, "Pathway and future of the IoE in smart cities: Challenges of big data and energy sustainability," in Internet of Energy for Smart Cities: Machine Learning Models and Techniques, Eds. A. Jindal, N. Kumar, and G. Aujla, CRC Press, pp. 1-30, Jul. 2021.

  • S. Agarwal and S. De, "Cognitive multihoming system for enhanced cellular experience," in Handbook of Cognitive Radio, Ed. W. Zhang, Springer, pp. 1-34, Mar. 2018.

  • R. Saini and S. De, "Fulfilling the rate demands: Subcarrier-based shared resource allocation," in Resource Allocation in Next-Generation Broadband Wireless Access Networks, Eds. C. Singhal and S. De, IGI Global Publishers, pp. 1-26, Feb. 2017.

  • D. Mishra and S. De, "Energy harvesting and sustainable M2M communication aspects in 5G mobile technologies," in Internet of Things (IoT) in 5G Mobile Technologies, Eds. C. X. Mavromoustakis, G. Mastorakis, and J. M. Batalla, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-28, Apr. 2016.

  • C. Singhal and S. De, "Resource allocation in heterogeneous broadband wireless access networks," in Convergence of Broadband, Broadcast, and Cellular Network Technologies, Eds. R. Trestian and G.-M. Muntean, IGI Global Publishers, pp. 51-76, Apr. 2014.

  • K. Egoh, R. Rojas-Cessa, and S. De, "Minimum energy multi-criteria relay selection in mobile ad hoc networks," in Green Mobile Devices and Networks: Energy Optimization and Scavenging Techniques, Eds. H. Venkataraman and G.-M. Muntean, CRC Press, pp. 125-152, Mar. 2012.

  • S. De and S. Chatterjee, "Network energy driven wireless sensor networks," in Biologically Inspired Networking and Sensing: Algorithms and Architectures, Eds. P. Lio and D. Verma, IGI Global Publishers, pp. 145-157, Aug. 2011.

Books/Edited Books

  • C. Singhal and S. De, Editted book: Resource Allocation in Next-Generation Broadband Wireless Access Networks, IGI Global, Feb. 2017.